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A fidget spinner in space

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Fidget spinners are everywhere… including the International Space Station. Watch as NASA astronauts Randy Bresnik and Mark T. Vande Hei, ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli, and NASA astronaut in training Joseph M. Acaba spin a fidget spinner in space. The astronauts all go for spins, too. The video’s caption reads:

How long does it spin? I’m not sure, but it’s a great way to experiment with Newton’s laws of motion!

Allowing the fidget spinner to float reduces the bearing friction by permitting the rate of the central ring and outer spinner to equalize, and the whole thing spins as a unit.

Explore more videos from the International Space Station: Adding color & fizz to floating water bubbles in microgravity, Wringing out Water on the ISS, and Cooking in Space with ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

Plus: Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and more spinning.

Thanks, @Golans_mom.

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