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The Kid Should See This

Artificial Photosynthesis (in LEGO)

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In 2016, David Wakerley and Chris Windle of the Reisner Lab at the University of Cambridge created a stop motion animation to introduce the lab’s research. The subject: Artificial Photosynthesis. The medium: LEGO.

Learn how the lab is working toward creating a renewable and sustainable fuel with approaches directly inspired by photosynthesis: how plants use the sun’s energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar.

how we create energy
how photosynthesis works
A summary of artificial photosynthesis from Futurism:

Artificial photosynthesis (AP) aims to split water in oceans, and possibly even rivers, into its hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon components using sunlight. Hydrogen produced via AP is readily usable in the fuel cells of electric cars being manufactured right now, and it can also be used to store solar energy. Liquid fuels like hydrogen have a distinct advantage over batteries, as they are lighter and less bulky.

artificial photosynthesis in LEGO
Nature also has an animated video about Learning from leaves: Going green with artificial photosynthesis. Watch that next.

Then check out more videos about batteries, more videos about photosynthesis, and how Sundrop Farms uses seawater and sunlight to grow sustainable food in the desert.

Thanks, Tumble Science Podcast for Kids.

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