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The Kid Should See This

Cats and Domino 2

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Beruru, Kururu, and Maruru have learned to delicately tap objects with their paws, a skill that comes in handy when there’s a marble and ping pong ball-filled domino run built around them.

Watch the three cats curiously observe and participate in this screen-linked chain reaction video from Japan-based cat YouTube channel Cat Navi Desk: Cats and Domino 2.

catch the marble
zig zag marbles
three cats
The video is a follow up to this Domino Cats video from March 2020. Find more from Cat Navi Desk on Instagram.

Plus, watch more cats figure things out:
• Cats + Ping Pong Trick Shots
• Cats vs. Boxes
• Cats vs. Narrowing Tube
• Hana and Maru try to squeeze through
• Maru and Hana walk through a narrowing toilet paper roll path