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The Kid Should See This

How can clams, crystal balls, and Scotland’s snow patches help us tackle climate change?

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“Understanding the trends of weather patterns can help us to see when one-off events become patterns of climate change.” But how have we marked and measured that weather data?

Would you believe that reading a clamshell can potentially provide a few hundred years of information?

It’s not just any clamshell. In this National Museums Scotland video, three museum curators share how the long-living Arctica islandica clam, sunshine recording crystal balls, stereoscope images, and snow patches on Scotland’s mountains can help us better understand the changes in our climate.

instruments of measurement
sunshine recorder
National Museums Scotland Senior Curator of Science Dr. Tacye Philipson, Senior Curator of Modern and Contemporary History Dr. Sarah Laurenson, and Curator of Invertebrate Biology Sankurie Pye introduce the details.

Arctica islandica clam
Related reading: What 500-year-old clams can tell us about climate change.

Watch these related climate change videos on TKSST:
• Why does this scientist shoot lasers at trees?
How long have we known about climate change?
• Science and survival on Continent 7: Antarctica
• Can oysters stop a flood?
• Ice Cores: Measuring Earth’s atmosphere from 20,000 years ago

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