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Cooking in Space with ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti

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How do you prepare dinner in space? ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti demonstrates how she assembles whole red rice with peas and chicken turmeric in microgravity. Yay for pouches and tortilla plates!


The meal is one of Cristoforetti’s “bonus space foods” from home, a favorite recipe prepared in pouches by chef Stefano Polato for her to enjoy during her long-duration mission on ISS.

Below, she makes mackerel, quinoa and leek cream tortilla in time lapse. How does the rice or quinoa not go flying in tiny, hard-to-collect pieces all over the space station? Watch:

Fun fact: Cristoforetti is a polyglot. She’s fluent in Italian, English, German, French, and Russian.

A flight engineer on the mission, she left Earth for ISS on November 23, 2014 and returns on Thursday, June 11, 2015, putting Cristoforetti in space for 199 days, 16 hours, and 42 minutes, a record for the most time in space on a single mission by a woman. The previous 194 day record was held by NASA astronaut Sunita Williams, who gave us this wonderful 25 minute tour of ISS.

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