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The Kid Should See This

Did you know? 10.5 minutes of fast and fascinating facts from Highlights Kids

Watch more with these video collections:

How many suction cups does the giant Pacific octopus have? What do ostriches eat to help them grind down their food? How many different tree species are in the Amazon rainforest? How many bones are in your hand? And what country has the longest coastline in the world?

Learn a wealth of fast and fascinating facts with this animated Did you know? video from the Highlights Kids YouTube channel.

octopus hearts
The ten and a half minute video shares a lot of information about 13 different topics: Octopuses, Saturn and Jupiter, ostriches, the Amazon rainforest, elephants, butterflies, sneezing, snowflakes, dinosaurs, human bones, sloths, Canada, and water.

fresh water on Earth
The human era vs the length of dinosaurs on the planet
Watch these related videos next:
• Rainforests 101
• The beautiful physics and math of sneezes
• Them Not-So-Dry Bones – Schoolhouse Rock
• Why is water one of the weirdest things in the universe?

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The beautiful physics and math of sneezes

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Rion Nakaya

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