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The Kid Should See This

Do animals have their own cultures?

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“Our music changes and evolves over time. Old styles give way to new ones. Blues into rock and roll, and rock into punk. But these musical revolutions are not unique to us. Whales go through them, too.

“Humpback whales sing eerie, haunting songs… It’s only the males who sing and at any one time, every male sings the same tune. But like jazz musicians, they’ll rip off the classics, making small tweaks as they go. Their ever-changing music provides some of the best evidence yet that animals other than humans can pass on behaviors to each other, that they have their own culture.”

What Explains Bizarre Animal Behavior? Do animals copy each others’ behaviors, passing them from one generation to the next? How do these behaviors change over time and across locations?

And how did scientists go from not believing in animal culture to considering possible cultural traditions in the animal kingdom?

tool use
Pulitzer Prize-winning science journalist Ed Yong discusses these topics in this 2018 episode of Animalism from The Atlantic. He includes fascinating research about the patterns and structures of humpback whalesong, and how some songs could make their way around the globe after going viral across different whale communities.

whalesong patterns
passing whalesong along
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