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Drawing sharks with pancake batter

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For the Saipancakes YouTube channel, a pancake breakfast can be an illustrated delight. The pancakes above, for example, depict apex predators that are also vital ocean guardians: sharks.

In this 2018 pancake art video, father and former high school math teacher Nathan Shields demonstrates how to draw different species of sharks with pancake batter. Squeeze bottles control the line widths as he draws.

drawing the goblin shark
His pancake shark species include a goblin shark, a sawfish, a thresher shark, a hammerhead, a guitarfish, a zebra shark, and a frilled shark.

Thin batter is required to draw smooth thin lines without clumps. Shields uses a soymilk and applesauce recipe that begins with well-mixed dry ingredients: Three cups of flour, two tablespoons of baking powder, two teaspoons of salt, and two tablespoons of sugar.

In a separate bowl, three tablespoons of melted butter (or a good substitute) are mixed with half a cup of applesauce. Slowly add 2 and 3/4 cups of soymilk while stirring, then mix the wet ingredients into the dry. An electric mixer can make the batter smooth enough to squeeze easily out of the bottle tip.

zebra shark
Illustrating with batter takes practice. Shields draws in stages, allowing outlines and shadows to darken as interior areas cook. You can also use cocoa powder to create different shades of batter.

thresher shark
Watch more shark videos and pancake videos next:
• How to make pancake caterpillars and beetles for breakfast
• Thousands Of Sharks Visit A Seamount
• Thresher Shark’s Deadly Tail
• REMUS SharkCam: The hunter and the hunted
• Pangraph v4: Making Spirocakes (Spirograph Pancakes)
• Max’s Journey to the Moon, an adventure told with pancakes

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