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How Much Sugar Are You Really Eating?

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The average American eats 19.5 teaspoons (82 grams) of sugar every day… that’s around 66 pounds of sugar every year for each person. How are we consuming that amount? From Fig. 1 by University of California, learn more about the sugar that’s in our foods, from the added sugars in our yogurt to the difference between fruit sugars and soda sugars.

Above, How Much Sugar Are You Really Eating? We’ll soon have a better idea as Nutrition Facts labels are redesigned to share more useful information. Nutritional biologist Dr. Kimber Stanhope walks us through the improvements.

Below, Is Sugar in Fruit Different Than Sugar in Soda? (Spoiler: yes.)

Visit this site next: SugarScience.org.

Watch this TED Ed next: Sugar: Hiding in plain sight.

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