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The Kid Should See This

How can the small moon cover up the big sun?

Watch more with these video collections:

How are solar eclipses possible when the moon is around one-quarter the size of Earth and our sun is about 109 times the diameter of Earth?

How can the small moon block out the giant sun?

In this NASA Goddard video, Susannah Darling explains how solar eclipses work, despite these size differences.

coin and paper plate
To do this activity, get a paper plate and a coin, or try it with any two objects of similar shape. Darling explains:

“Secure the larger circle either by having a friend hold onto it for you, or by using a little bit of tape. Now… take the smaller circle and hold it at arm’s length, and close one eye. See if it overlaps the larger circle.

“If it doesn’t, take a few more steps back and try again until the smaller circle completely overlaps the larger circle.”

solar eclipse animation
Next, learn more with these videos on TKSST:
• The 2017 Solar Eclipse from the shores of Palisades Reservoir, Idaho
• How to watch a total or partial solar eclipse
The science of solar eclipses: How do solar & lunar eclipses work?

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Why did eclipses used to be terrifying?

Rion Nakaya

What are the different types of eclipses?

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Three proofs that Earth is round with NASA’s Michelle Thaller

Rion Nakaya

The science of solar eclipses: How do solar & lunar eclipses work?

Rion Nakaya

The Eclipse That Made Einstein Famous

Rion Nakaya

The 2017 Solar Eclipse from the shores of Palisades Reservoir, Idaho

Rion Nakaya

Supermoon ‘Blood Moon’ Lunar Eclipse – NASA

Rion Nakaya

Strange & beautiful shadows created by the annular solar eclipse

Rion Nakaya

Solar Eclipse 2015: BBC Stargazing Live Video

Rion Nakaya