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The Kid Should See This

How do the blind cook?

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Chopping veggies with a sharp knife, cooking up sauces on a hot stove, and prepping a fresh fish for the oven all with a GoPro on, American chef Christine Hà demonstrates how someone who is blind can cook complex dishes. For this meal, she makes red snapper steamed with black bean sauce and Sichuan green beans.

Regarding her vision impairment, via wikipedia, Hà said, “‘I have to depend a lot more on the other senses to cook – taste, smell, how certain ingredients feel,’ adding that cooking without sight just involves ‘a lot of organization.'” She shows off her skills and organization in the video above.

Next: The Blind Astronomer of Nova Scotia and Emily’s Oz: A blind girl imagines & art directs The Wizard of Oz.

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