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The Kid Should See This

What 3 tips can help you study effectively?

Watch more with these video collections:

“A 2006 study took a class of surgical residents and split them into two groups. Each received the same study materials, but one group was told to use specific study methods. When tested a month later, this group performed significantly better than the other residents. So, what were these methods?”

Learn how the brain—an organ that requires exercise just like a muscle—can more effectively learn and store information, and how you can apply these practices to your study habits. As it turns out, the details of how, what, and when make the difference.

studying in the park
This How To Study TED-Ed animation, directed by Biljana Labović, is a Character Lab collaboration that shares three actionable study tips based on science.

transferring from short term to long term memory

“The reason all three of these study techniques work is because they’re designed with the brain in mind. They complement and reinforce the incredible way the brain works, sorting through and storing the abundance of information it’s fed day after day.”

brain needs sleep in between
Plus, Dig Deeper with TED-Ed.

Related Character Lab tips include Space to Learn: The best way to schedule studying and A Lesson in Active Learning: How to make difficulty desirable.

Watch these related videos on TKSST:
• How to practice effectively…for just about anything
• The benefits of a good night’s sleep
How playing an instrument benefits your brain
• Debunking the “I will never need to use this…” myth

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