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Mass producing pencils at the Hokusei Pencil Company

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Pencil factories are filled with the rhythmic whirring of automated machinery. With focused precision, workers tend to the machines, guiding the materials through the various stages of pencil production and inspecting the results.

This Process X YouTube channel video documents a visit to the Hokusei Pencil Company, which has specialized in pencil production for over 70 years. The company takes pride in their long history, meticulous craftsmanship, and commitment to delivering high-quality pencils.

white cores are fed into the boards
Watch as semi-circular grooves are quickly carved into cedar and cypress boards. Color cores are added, a second board is glued on top, and bundles of these proto-pencils are clamped together to dry.

drying glue
Next, they’re shaped with cutters—pencils can be hexagonal, round, triangular, square, heart-shaped, etc—painted, re-inspected, printed, sharpened, and packaged. This video shares how white and pink pencils are made.

sharpening pink pencils
Process X specializes in filming factory processes, mostly in Japan. Turning on closed captioning provides additional information throughout the video.

Watch these pencil, pen, eraser, and crayon videos next:
• How pencils are made at the Derwent Pencil Factory
How does Faber-Castell make pencils?
A Sketchy History Of Pencil Lead
• Mister Rogers’ Eraser Factory Tour
• How Crayons Are Made, the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood classic

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