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Six Things You Didn’t Know About Elephants – AMNH

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How high can elephants jump? What animals are these massive herbivores’ closest relatives? How do they communicate, even across long distances? And what kind of tools do they use? From this fact-filled video from the American Museum of Natural History:

“Elephants have captured the hearts and imaginations of humans throughout history. Today they’re some of the most beloved animals out there. But how much do you really know about these huge, tusked herbivores? Who shows up to an elephant family reunion?”

We’ve learned that these pachyderms can “hear” with their feet, have 40,000 muscles in their trunks, and how they raise their young; AMNH shares even more about The Secret World of Elephants, as well as humanity’s sometimes morally questionable history with them, in support of an exhibit opening on November 13th, 2023:

“The Secret World of Elephants reveals new science about both ancient and modern elephants, including elephants’ extraordinary minds and senses, why they’re essential to the health of their ecosystems, and inspiring efforts to overcome threats to their survival.”

Learn more about elephants with these videos:
Elephants’ Incredible Intelligence
• How Elephants Listen… With Their Feet
How are baby elephants raised?
• Elephant mom wisdom and sparrow songs: Is culture common in the animal world?
The incredible, bendable, twistable, expandable elephant trunk
• Elephants of War: Elephant armor (bargustavan-i-pil) from India, circa 1600

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The incredible, bendable, twistable, expandable elephant trunk

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