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The Kid Should See This

The Letters, an EmPower project animation about creating positive change

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There’s an oft-repeated question, a conversational game of sorts, that asks, “if you could go back in time and change one thing in the history of the world, what would you change?” We sometimes forget that one thing can be done right now to positively impact the future.

The Letters is a short about sharing and helping each other to make positive changes in our communities near and far.

the first letter
NiceMonster created the animation for the EmPower for Climate project, a collaboration between UN Women and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

solar panels on a hospital
The Letters tells a story that is focused on women in rural locations across Asia and the Pacific, where some of the most at-risk countries are facing the impacts of climate change. From the UN Women team:

“Women play a major role in shaping climate-resilient societies. Their needs and capacities can lay the foundation for solutions that not only address the climate crisis but also pave the way for a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to harness their power to change for the benefit of future generations.”

teaching children about sustainable technologies
youtubing positive actions
Plus, more about the EmPower project from their site:

“The capacities, skills, and resources that women, girls and other diverse groups possess in effectively addressing climate change often go untapped due to stereotypes. The devaluation of their knowledge results in their exclusion from decision-making at household and community level.

“The time is now to give a platform for women and marginalized groups to use their voices, agency and leadership and collaborate with men to build resilience and secure sustainable development. In this context, UN Women and UN Environment jointly initiated the EmPower project, with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.”

letters from the future
Watch these handpicked related videos next:
• Wangari Maathai – “I will be a hummingbird”
• The Solar Grandmothers of Ambakivao, Madagascar
• Gitanjali Rao: Finding solutions to real problems
• How can design make climate-resilient buildings?
• Mangroves + Oysters + Earthen Dikes = Eco Engineering
• How to Save Our Planet
• How To Solve Every Global Crisis
• Does ‘the ozone hole’ hold the secret to fixing climate change?

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