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The Kid Should See This

The Story of the Tulips, from bulbs to flowers and back

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How are tulip bulbs planted, topped for a flower harvest, and then harvested a second time for bulb collection?

See how people and machines spend October to July transforming empty Dutch farmland to flower fields and back in The Story of Tulips. The comprehensive 12-minute promotional video from Ronico in Venhuizen, Netherlands documents each step.

pink tulips
Family-owned since 1939, Ronico grows on almost 750 acres—that’s 150 million tulips for retail in 8 colors and around 25 different cultivars.

giant harvest machinery
Yet, surprisingly, the video mostly features scenes of forklifts, farm machines, trucks, conveyor belts, boxes, and bulbs, not flowers.

sorting bulbs
Via Tulips.com, there are seven stages of a tulip bulb’s growth: planting time, making roots, cooling period, growing period, blooming time, regeneration, and multiplying. Flowers are only seen during blooming time, the 5th stage, usually in April and May.

yellow tulips
Watch these videos next:
• Amsterdam’s Tulip Museum, an animated history
• Flying over the Netherlands’ patchwork quilt of flowers
• How are tomatoes grown and harvested?
Cranberries: How Does It Grow?
• Beet Beet, Sugar Beet and how sugar is made

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Time lapse summer lawn daisies grow, get cut, & regrow

Rion Nakaya

Sunflower time-lapse

Rion Nakaya

Story of Flowers, a breathtaking botanical animation

Rion Nakaya

Spring, an epic 4K flower time lapse that took 3 years to make

Rion Nakaya

Seed To Sunflower In 83 Days, a time-lapse

Rion Nakaya

Freaky Flowers 3: Echinopsis flowers bloom in time lapse

Rion Nakaya

Flying a drone over the Netherlands’ patchwork quilt of flowers

Rion Nakaya

Flowers opening: a time lapse from thousands of photos

Rion Nakaya

Echinopsis Cacti: Brilliant blooming cactus flowers in time-lapse

Rion Nakaya