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Revealing the true scale of the universe with VFX

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When watching a video like this classic planet and star size comparison, do we really have a clear understanding of just how small we are in the scale of the universe? To better understand the size of our largest stars, VFX artist Wren Weichman decided to make a video about the true scale of the universe using visual effects.

true scale of the universe vfx
Start with a tennis ball-size Earth, then imagine our planetary neighbors, our sun, or one of the largest stars we know: red supergiant UY Scuti.

true scale of the universe vfx
true scale of the universe vfx
Then follow this video with more visualizations about our galaxy and the universe: Building the solar system to scale in the Nevada desert, If the Moon were replaced with some of our planets, How Far Away is the Moon? and how small are we in the scale of the universe?

Plus: Solar System, Milky Way, Laniakea: Our home supercluster, Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot, and how do we measure the universe?

via Bad Astronomer.

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