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The Kid Should See This

Why do we need insects? And how can we protect them?

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Note: From 49s to 3m26s, this video is candid about the threats to our ecosystems and food supplies. Prescreen as needed for younger or sensitive viewers.

What can we do to protect insects? From rewilding our yards and balconies with native plants and flowers, to greening our cities with native trees and sustainably grown gardens, to stopping the use of pesticides, there are a lot of immediate actions that can better protect and preserve the creatures and ecosystems that we depend on.

rewilding cities
“We live on a planet of insects,” explains this beautifully illustrated BBC Ideas video by Studio Panda, written by professor and author Dave Goulson:

“They make up around 70% of all known species on Earth, and their combined biomass is 16 times that of humans. 300 million years ago, giant dragonflies with wingspans of 75 centimeters soared amongst the tree ferns. Nowadays, insects are extraordinarily diverse, existing in a bewildering array of colors, shapes, and sizes, and they play a crucial role in life on Earth.”

insect biomass

“They’re food for a great many animals, including most birds, bats, lizards, amphibians, and freshwater fish. Additionally, 80% of the world’s wild plant species depend on insects to pollinate them, as do three-quarters of the plants we grow for food.

“Insects, with their immense variety and ecological significance, are vital components of our planet’s ecosystem.”

natural spaces
What are the threats that demand correction in order to preserve a healthy planet?

Pesticide use harms insect populations directly and indirectly through the destruction of their food sources and the disruption of their reproductive cycles.

Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and intensive agriculture can destroy and fragment natural environments. Invasive species, traveling on our boats and airplanes, can also decimate insect populations.

the threat of climate change
Additionally, climate change exacerbates these challenges, with rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events that impact insect survival, distribution, and interactions with other species.

birds and fish depending on insects for food
There’s a lot that we can do to fix the problem. Start with these related rewilding, entomology, light pollution, and natural climate solutions videos to learn more:
Why is biodiversity so important?
What Is Rewilding?
How can nature be used as a tool to restore ecosystems?
• Why are moths obsessed with lamps?
• 1000s of Bugs, 100 Islands, 1 Happy Entomologist
• How to Create Your Own Monarch Butterfly Rest Stop
• Meet the Natives: Can wild bees also pollinate our plants & crops?

Bonus: Look Up! The Billion-Bug Highway You Can’t See.

Plus, learn more about Rachel Carson and Silent Spring.

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